Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Our First Comment From the Public Yay



Thank you to the lovely "no name" girl from China who left a comment on our site.  And here I thought no one was reading it. 


I went and had a look at her site but other than the photos I couldn't read the rest - it was all in Chinese.


Please others, add your comments.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

It's a Girl Fest - And We All Have Names

Yep, that's right, they are all girls!!!  We've had confirmation that we now have four girls (if you count Molly).


So now they all have names.


The kitten formally known as "One" is now Marshmallow (Alan chose it) but I'm just calling her Mallow.


"Two" is now Speckle.


"Three" is Callie.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's Official - "Three" Is A Girl

I had to take our little tabby kitten to the vet this morning cause she has a crusty eye and he confirmed that she is indeed a girl.


I didn't think of taking the others, silly me, so we still don't know what they are.  Now that we know one, we can start thinking of a real name for her, although I've quite gotten use to calling her "Three".


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hot Weather & Kittens Do Not Mix

Well it's the end of a very hot day and I'm more than a bit frazzled. 


I ended up sleeping on the lounge last night as the bedroom is too hot with the door closed and if we don't close the door, Molly comes in and jumps all over us.  Not that I got much sleep on the lounge ... Molly jumped all over me during the night.


Then this morning early I'm woken up by loud kitten crying as Molly pulled one of the kittens out of the box and put it behind the lounge.  We tried getting it back in the box but Molly just pulled it out again.  We then spent a good portion of the morning trying to close off any spaces that she might go and in the end, we lost.  She has them all out of the box now and behind the lounge. 


We've had the air conditioning on all day and the box was in a spot where it was cool but not in a draft but apparently up against the brick wall is where she wanted to be. She hasn't come out and had anything to eat or drink for about 7 hours but I'm hoping she'll come out soon. 


Our aim will be, when the southerly change hits, to get them back into the box for the night.  We don't really want them waddling around the place.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

CatRescue Needs Your Help

For all the CatRescue has done to help collect the rest of Molly's family off the streets, I want to help them in return and this is something you might be able to help me with.

CatRescue is a network of normal every day people.  They have normal day jobs, they don’t get paid or funded to do CatRescue, they are all volunteers who give up space in their own homes to rescue and rehabilitate abandoned and neglected animals. They have around 50 carers around Sydney and a management team to help co-ordinate the lot.

CatRescue has a NO KILL Policy.  Killing homeless or unwanted animals is not in their best interest and provides only a short term and convenient solution to a human problem. CatRescue is dedicated to promoting the concept of ‘no-kill’ and believes that every animal has the right to live. They are committed to caring for every animal that enters its program regardless of the time and resources required to find their forever home.

Although always looking for foster carers and permanent homes for these animals, they also need donations. 

If you can help with any of the listed items below, please let me know and I'll arrange to come and pick up the items:

  • Old towels (urgent) - excellent bedding, cage liners and carry cage material!  

  • Cheap cat bowls or plastic containers - like the ones you see in chinese take aways - rapid feeding and cleaning

  • Cheap bleach - no frills brand domestos (about 1/3rd of the price, we go through a LOT of this!)

  • Cleaning products (ajax, garbage bags, scrubbers, spray and wipe, washing detergent, that kind of stuff .  think domestic cleaning x 100)

  • Cat Litter and cheap litter trays ($2 shop ones) - are given to rehomers and are also reused for all sorts of things like cat beds, houses and cleaning helpers
  • Tins of cat food - to feed the cats! 

  • Dry Cat Food - any quality

  •  Old cat beds, cat scratching posts and poles - self explanatory, the cats love them!

  •  A4 paper- for signs and posters to rehome cats!

  •  Cat Toys - the little mice are the best - the kittens love them, nothing too expensive or complex as they just get eaten

  •  An old vacuum cleaner

Again, if anyone can help, just email me.

Thanks, Sarah xxx

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And Then There Were Four

Molly gave birth to her kittens on Sunday night 8 October and early hours on Monday 9 October.


First born was the white with tabby one which we are calling "One" for the time being at 8.19pm. 


Second was born at 11.29pm and is all black which we are calling "Two" for now.


The third was born at 12.26am and, until we know more about sex etc we are calling "Three".


Molly is doing a great job and, considering she's only just a baby herself, I'm ever so happy.


Please check back every now and then to see the new photos and of course, the announcement of their new and permanent names.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

The Wonderful Emails Received from Catster People

I'm copying these here because the Catster mail folder only holds messages for thirty days and I never want to forget the nice things people had to say when Kim passed.


Good Morning, Kim.

I'm sorry that you had to leave your Mommie and Daddy. But what a lovely way to do it! While they're gone, sparing their feelings, you just lie down for a lovely nap, and then you go to the Bridge. What a sweet and smart girl! And how lovely that you went to join your sister, Penny!

I hope your Mommie and Daddy know that you are waiting for them at the Rainbow Bridge. You were a very lucky kitty to have loved them, and they were very lucky peoples to have loved you.

Purrs and cheek-rubs,

~ Stash (with brother Chumley and sister China)


From my mommy: I can just imagine how much you miss her .Kim was only a year old than my Rocky Ann. They are our babies. I try to prepare that someday RA will have to leave us too.She is my shadow. I guess we should just be so happy we have as many years as we do. Kim sounds like she was so loved by you so she had the most purrfect life. That is all they want - is to be loved. So she was very lucky. I hope one day you will find another kitty you can adopt and give him/her that same love. So many need us. I hope all the wonderful memories of Kim fill the hole in your heart.

Take Care,
Mommy Judy



Subject: Meet you at the Bridge   

Woofs to Kim's Mum and Dad. Please don't be too sad... I know that Kim left on her journey without you there, but she wanted to do it her way, just like I did. My Mum and Dad had taken me to vets and gotten second opinions and thought things were gonna get better, but I knew they weren't. I did it my way, and so did your Kim.
Angel-woofs from Kim's new friend, HoneyBunny



Subject: sending some purrs

We are so saddened for your mommy and daddy, losing two adorable furrballs in a matter of a few months. Oh sweet Kim we emailed you in March when Penny passed away and had hoped that you would feel better soon, we were so happy when you were more vocal. Hope you are playing with many catnip toys and snuggling with your sister. We just wanted to let you know that that our hearts go out to you all.
Whisker kisses, Sissy and family

Subject: We are very sorry...

I know you are living a very rough time... But if my words can comfort you just remember all the good times with your babies and all the love they gave to you... They are now four legged angels and they always be proctecting you and your family... And try not be sad because I know your babies don?t want to see you suffer... Be happy because they are in the best place ever : ) ...

I hope I help...


Dear Kim,

I am sure that your Mommy is going to miss you for a very long Mommy still misses me after me being gone for over two years now. Silly humans! It takes them so much longer to heal from things, while it takes us kitties such a small amoount of time to get over things ! Just give your Mommy lots and lots of love, and eventually with time, she will start to feel better about it. Why don't you have your Mommy read some of the beautifully written poems at the Over The Rainbow Geoup site? They are furtastic! I sent you an invitation to join the group yesterday. You did join didn't you? It is a great group that has helped my Mom immensely. It can do thie same for your Meowmie! All she has to do is ask for help, and any number of people will be there to comfort her. The group has many "caring and compassionate" people in it, and they are more than willing to help your Meowmie out in any way that they can. I am sending many "kitty hugs and kisses" to your Momma today. If she ever just wants to talk about it, my Momma will gladly listen to whatever she has to say. I do hope to see you around the group.

Purrs and Headbonks,


I was strolling by and saw that Kim just went to the Rainbow Bridge. I'm very good at sitting with people and making them feel better; may I sit next to you and purr? I know I'm not Kim, but maybe I can rub on your leg and make you feel better.

Just let me know....I'll be sitting with my Mama if you want to say hi. My mama says she's very, very sad about Kim's going away and would give you a hug if she lived closer.

Love Mackenzie & Mama

Dear Kim and Kim's Mommy,

Heillo. My name is Muffy. I live at the Rainbow Bridge too. I see that you came to the Bridge on September 12th. I haven't met you yet, but I will be looking for you. I am going to send you a feline friend request, and I hope that you will be my friend. Your poor Mommy must be so sad now, missing you like crazy. My Mom knows how that feels. You see, my two year Bridge anniversary was September 9th this year. I have been here two whole years, and I have loved every day of it. There is no sadness or sickness here. Only love. Our bodies are restored to our youthful vigor. We run and play like we were kittens again. We eat as much as we want and never gain weight or throw up. We eat all of our favorite foods up here. We play with so many toys, there is no shortage of them that's for sure! I hope that your Mommy and Daddy know that you are well again, and that you will be waiting here for them, at The Rainbow Bridge. And when that day comes, you will go running to them, to be together again, but this time forever.


Muffy (and Renee, Muffy's Meowmie)

Welcome Molly

We never meant to get a new cat this early but, the day that Kim died, we discovered that the bunch of cats we had seen at the top of the street were actually strays.  There was this little one, very pretty, who came up to us and rubbed up against us. 


The lady who was feeding them didn't want them anymore and suggested if we wanted one we should take one.  We really wanted to get some more kittens but the plight of these cats were really disturbing me.  After days of searching, I found an organisation, CatRescue ( who were a no kill organisation and were willing to come and get them.


We decided then and there that we would get this little one and on the morning of 19 September, we went up and picked up the girl we now call Molly, although Molineux is her full name.


A quick trip to the vet confirmed our thoughts, our baby was pregnant, which was OK. 


She has settled in quite well.  She's worked out how to use kitty litter, she doesn't stress about being inside all the time (although that won't be forever as we are getting our back verandah enclosed to make it a cat run) and all this food makes her happy.  She purrs all the time.


We will be happy when the kittens are born.  Molly has a very bad case of wind which she lets go every 10 minutes or so, and she's too big to lick her bottom so every morning we have to wash it for her. 


We still miss Kim & Penny every single day and although we love Molly, she's certainly no replacement for the guys we lost.