We never meant to get a new cat this early but, the day that Kim died, we discovered that the bunch of cats we had seen at the top of the street were actually strays. There was this little one, very pretty, who came up to us and rubbed up against us.
The lady who was feeding them didn't want them anymore and suggested if we wanted one we should take one. We really wanted to get some more kittens but the plight of these cats were really disturbing me. After days of searching, I found an organisation, CatRescue (www.catrescue.com.au) who were a no kill organisation and were willing to come and get them.
We decided then and there that we would get this little one and on the morning of 19 September, we went up and picked up the girl we now call Molly, although Molineux is her full name.
A quick trip to the vet confirmed our thoughts, our baby was pregnant, which was OK.
She has settled in quite well. She's worked out how to use kitty litter, she doesn't stress about being inside all the time (although that won't be forever as we are getting our back verandah enclosed to make it a cat run) and all this food makes her happy. She purrs all the time.
We will be happy when the kittens are born. Molly has a very bad case of wind which she lets go every 10 minutes or so, and she's too big to lick her bottom so every morning we have to wash it for her.
We still miss Kim & Penny every single day and although we love Molly, she's certainly no replacement for the guys we lost.
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