Finally we have gotten to the most fun part of our holiday. Sunway Lagoon was our destination for today. It doesn’t open until 11am, so we were able to have a bit of a sleep in this morning. We left the hotel around 10 this morning and walked up to the monorail station. We’re old hands at this monorail caper now, so catching it to KL Sentral was an easy task. We got off at KL Sentral and walked the short distance to the train station. Short?? OK. This was our first time catching a train in Malaysia so we worked out what we had to do and found our way onto the appropriate platform. Sarah decided to stay with me on the train despite there being a ladies only carriage that she could have ridden in. Maybe she should have gone for the ladies carriage after all, because there was an Indian dude sitting near us who was leering at her for the entire train ride. Yeah, he was more than a little off putting.
After arriving at Subang Jaya station we got off the train and wandered outside trying to figure out how to get to Sunway Lagoon. There was a ricketty old bus which we just missed, so we took a taxi instead and soon arrived at the front gate. Sunway Lagoon is five theme parks all rolled into one. We thought we’d give the extreme park and the scream park a miss, so we bought a three park ticket which gives entry to the adventure park, water park and wildlife park.
It was getting close to midday by now and very hot. We made our way to a couple of water rides which I went on and managed to get very wet in the process. At least that cooled me down a bit.
We had one of our aeroplane carry-on bags with us today because we had towels with us, so we needed to find a locker to store that in while we explored the park a bit. We thought the best idea would be to find a locker down by the water park area as that’s where we’d be spending most of our time today, so we trudged off down the hill.
Along the way we stopped off to look at their two tigers, both of whom were having a nap in the midday heat. I went and had a ride on the rollercoaster while Sarah took refuge from the heat undercover. The coaster was ok, nothing special really. Next we came across the suspension bridge which extends across almost the entire park. Indeed it is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world. We walked about halfway across before returning. It was so hot out there. It didn’t move around too much but there were metal grates that you could see through and I don’t like that.
We were thankful when we came upon escalators to take us down to the water park. We were hungry by now so we stopped at a food outlet. Apparently Sarah’s chicken burger was the worst thing she’s ever eaten. My fish burger was not much better. The fish was very dry and the bun had to be at least 3 weeks old. If only we had walked another 10 yards around the corner we would have found a couple of other food stores. Oh well.
Finally we made it to the water park and went off in search of the lockers. We found them and paid the RM5, only to then realise that our bag was too big to fit in the locker no matter how hard I pushed and shoved it. Oh for crying out loud! Well we left our valuables in there, like Neville and Trevor, and other things like the camera, my watch, your wallet and our shoes and took the bag with the towels in it with us to the beach area. At last we were wading out into the lovely warm water. For some reason they have the deep section roped off, but we were able to have a nice swim around anyway. There was barely anyone in the water with us at all.
We spied some people going down a small slidy type thing over yonder so we swam over to that and I went down it a couple of times. I somehow even convinced Sarah to give it a go, but I’m not sure what the other people nearby thought when she came sliding down with her legs spread apart wide as wide can be. I had a couple more turns. It was fun apart from the nose full of water I got one time. As you know full well, Alan, you have little control on the thing. Just ask the mother and baby you almost wiped out on your first try. Oh and you forgot to mention that you got so much water up your nose on the first time down, you almost drowned.
Next we walked around to the wave pool, where a show was going on so we couldn’t get in there. There was another pool behind it which had nobody swimming in it because the water was freezing in there. Naturally enough, weirdo Sarah went for a swim in this pool. The water was not cold at all. You’re a weirdo for wanting all your pool water to be bath temperature. I sat and watched. During this time the rain began to fall fairly lightly. Shortly after that, the show in the wave pool finished so we went over and got in there. The waves weren’t very big for a wave pool really, but fun nonetheless.
We went back to the main beach area and had another swim in the big pool. By now there were some menacing looking grey clouds looming so we kept an eye on them. They seemed to be closing in from two sides so we made our way out of the water. I mean we didn’t want to get wet or anything. Weirdo. As we stood by our locker drying ourselves, all of a sudden the sky opened up and a deluge began to fall. Within seconds the lightning and thunder were coming at a fast rate and the amount of water falling was amazing.
We gathered up all our stuff and began to make our way toward the exit. We had a long way to go and the walkways and staircases were fast turning into rivers and lakes. We stopped off in the wildlife section for a bit of relief from the storm. We would have liked to have seen all of the wildlife section but it really was just too stormy. They had some cute stuff which we saw like hedgehogs and sugar gliders who were hiding their heads but their butts were hanging out, hiding from the storm noise and two ferrets who were fast asleep, upside down, who didn’t have a clue what was going on.
We were already saturated of course, but the storm was just so fierce that we wanted to get under cover for a bit. Back out into the typhoon and eventually, after some very close lightning bolts, we got to the exit. We went to the changerooms and tried our best to dry off with extremely wet towels and put our semi dry clothes on.
Neither of us were looking forward to the idea of a train and monorail ride back to the hotel, so we decided a taxi would be the best option. We bought out taxi ticket and after a few rejections from taxi drivers who didn’t want to take us, finally we found one who was willing to come all the way here. A$10, can’t complain about that cost. The traffic getting out of the Sunway area was horrendous. Luckily our driver knew a shortcut through the loading dock area beneath the shopping mall so that got us out the other side much quicker.
After a stop for refuelling, we then came to a massive traffic jam down the road a little way. We sat in that jam and went probably less than a kilometre in about an hour or so. eventually we came to the problem. The road was flooded and five lanes were merging into one. Thank goodness our taxi was prepaid and we weren’t on the meter. During our extended wait in the traffic, we struck up a conversation with our driver Kenny. He turned out to be a great guy with lots of stories and jokes and he wanted to know all about us and our families and everything. He made an hour and a half journey interesting and a lot of fun. I wish he would have switched off the air conditioning though. We were freezing our backsides off sitting there in wet clothes.
Back in our hotel room and dry at last. Ahhhh that felt better. We couldn’t face going out again tonight so we went downstairs to check out the restaurants in our hotel. We saw steak on the menu at Checkers restaurant and I’ve been craving one for the past couple of weeks so we went in. There were only three other people in the restaurant, on the table next to ours. Whilst waiting for our meals to arrive, we started to talking to them. They were in their 60s, a couple from England and her sister from Ireland. We had a great old chat and laugh. The guy was full of funny stories. The restaurant runs a full buffet as well as a menu. There was so much food and no one to eat it. I wonder what they do with it.
Our steaks were great and the garlic basted vegetables were delicious. So much so that I even ate my cauliflower. Not my zucchini or asparagus though; I couldn’t go that far. We still had room left after dinner so we thought we’d try out the dessert buffet. So many yummy treats to choose from. Sarah and I ate 17 desserts between us. Right now I don’t think I can move. Keep in mind that these are little desserts, about two mouthfuls and yes, Alan ate more than me. Wish I had my camera with me when he stuck his spoon into the chocolate fountain and then into his mouth … leaving just a few chocolate drops over their tablecloth.
Back to our room for the night after a full and fun day. Sunway Lagoon was fun despite having our afternoon cut short. I don’t think either of us have ever seen such a huge amount of water fall from the sky so quickly. The lack of people there today was awesome.
The plan for tomorrow, our last full day here, is to get up early and visit Batu Caves, followed by a trip to Times Square. Apparently there is a rollercoaster there! Yay!
Oh I forgot, we saw a dead motorcyclist on the road outside our hotel this evening. We aren’t 100% sure he was dead. He may just have been resting. Then again, I don’t know why we don’t see more of them. Yes of course, just having a rest in the middle of a wet road with a blanket completely covering his body.
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