Monday, May 15, 2006

Just Goes to Show You Can Never Please Everybody

Last year someone in Alan's soccer team asked if we could do a website.  I've got some basic HTML experience and thought it would be great to get some more.


After many, many, many, many hours spent on design and layout, the website was launched:



Alan took over the administration of the site, doing the updates weekly, writing match reports, getting profiles filled out and updated by everyone etc. 


This year, as a bit of fun, Alan suggested a fantasy league.  Every week people pick a fantasy team (from the team of players) and based on their performance every week, you gained points. A number of people agreed and it started.  It was all a bit of fun, well so we thought.


Today, for no apparent reason, a bunch of whingers had, well a whinge, about the point system, in the guestbook.  However, these pathetic and small minded individuals decided to do their complaining anonymously.


Not only that, some other small minded person going by the name of DJ PANFA (who we have now worked out isn't even someone playing in the team) decided to offer some suggestions like removing the tribute to our own little panther, Penny, who died this year. 


All up Alan spends about 8 hours a week writing the match report and making it humorous for all to read, updating tables and scores from the other games and of course spending hours working out who deserved fantasy league points.  And what does he get??? A barrage of complaints from people who don't even have the guts to put their name on it.


So tonight, feeling as low as he can get, he made the decision to remove the website from the internet, all 68 pages of it. 68 pages of wasted time and effort for which there is no appreciation. 


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